What is a CRM and why is it important to have one in business?
CRM – Customer Relationship Management is a business strategy that aims to understand, anticipate and manage the needs of an organisation’s current and potential customers.
It provides seamless integration of every area of business that touches the customer namely marketing, sales, customer services and field support through the integration of people, process and technology.
The focus of CRM is on creating value for the customer and the company over the longer term. It enables organisations to gain competitive advantage over competitors that supply similar products or services.
Benefits include increased customer satisfaction, because they are getting exactly what they want ie meeting and exceeding expectations. Growth in numbers of customers. Increased access to a source of market and competitor information and long term profitability and sustainability.
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- How CRM can improve your business workflow
- Top Tips To Get The Best From CRM
- How To Choose The Right CRM Solution
- Why CRM is Important To Your Business
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